Me and my dog Sisu Sisu discovers something in the distance Watching Takes the opportunity to rest Enjoying the summer Silhouette
Sisu balances in the morning light Cuddles Running Just watching the nature Hide and seek Penno in the forest
Waiting for a snack Sisu watching the sunset Gieblejohka On the top Staring Following dad
Resting in the wind Sleeps in the wind Grrrr :) Comfy Here I am Lunch
Man's best friends Penno ponders Stately dog Great trout Favourite place Swedish Lapland
Sometimes you have to rest Sisu in Stora Sjöfallet Happy puppy Curious puppy Sisu when he was a puppy Exploring
Sisu enjoying the sunset Sisu eats breakfast Thirsty dog Tired dog… Thunderous waterfall Incredible weather
No worries I'm ready for whatever Sisu in the wind Break time Nice breakfast view Time to rest
I'm not carrying that anymore Come along! Guarding the campsite My dog Sisu by the river Me and my dog Sisu at Vuojatädno Father and son
Sisu and Penno by the river Dog enjoying the autumn Perfect weather Exploring nature Drinking fresh water Stillness
Cold water Sisu enjoying the day Sisu resting in the shade
Dogs (mixed sizes)
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